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Be a Hunger Hero!

Posted on: October 24, 2024

Food insecurity is on the rise in our area. Last year, CORA received 40% more requests for assistance compared to the previous year, and we expect the trend to continue.  We’re gearing up to meet this growing need and serve more families, but we can’t do it without you.


Will you become a hero in the work for equitable food access in our community by starting a monthly donation to CORA?


Automatic monthly giving is an easy, budget-friendly way to make a huge impact for neighbors in need. In fact, our monthly donors are so impactful that we have decided to call them Hunger Heroes!



We just sent our Hunger Heroes a welcome letter along with a CORA jar lid gripper so that when they are in their own kitchens opening a jar of food, they will be reminded of those neighbors all around the community who are preparing meals for their families, too. We’ll send you one too when you join Hunger Heroes by starting an automatic monthly gift of any amount!


Hunger Heroes also receive a behind-the-scenes bonus email each month showing something their support has made possible. Last month, we featured the new warehouse we’ve begun using to store and pack boxes of groceries for Mobile Markets. Join today so you’ll get next month’s “Hero Mail” email!


Your steadfast support is crucial right now. A recurring gift of any amount can provide the consistent and reliable support that keeps the pantry stocked and the doors open to any neighbor in need. Just last month, supporters like you helped welcomed 87 new families into our programs.


Will you join the league of Hunger Hero monthly donors and help build a community without hunger?


Your powerful gift can…
$10 a month – provide 120 meals for families in need
$25 a month – keep our trucks on the road to mobile markets
$50 a month – feed a child on weekends and school breaks
$100 a month – provide 1,200 meals for families in need