To better address the demand for community-based resources, CORA launched our Mobile Market for families in the western part of Chatham County in October. Using our six-pallet truck, we set up at Chatham Hospital in Siler City and display food like a small farmer’s market. Each person receives enough food for 21 meals at each visit.
In 2020, Mobile Markets will take place on the 4th Tuesday of each month. If you have questions, please email
We believe that there is a large gap in services provided by CORA and demand for those facing food insecurity in Chatham County. Approximately 14% of the population in Chatham County live at or below the poverty level. However, CORA is meeting food insecurity needs for families earning 200% of the poverty level. In June 2019, CORA began a Mobile Market trial to determine both its effectiveness and acceptance. Just as we made food available to children in need of food throughout the summer via our SNACK! program, we also provided additional food provisions to their families on two separate occasions at one of our key distribution sites. 100% of the families took advantage of this offering. We served over 200 people! This test demonstrated the importance of ‘meeting people where they are’. 25% of our clients report that they have difficulty getting to our pantry, and an additional 20% say that they would use us as a resource more often if transportation were not a barrier. Analysis of client surveys and demographics has shown that there is a need for CORA to increase our footprint into the western part of Chatham County. Nearly 70% of our current families already reside on the western of the county. And, as previously stated, the lack of affordable public transportation is an obstacle for those who need our services the most.
Help us with this new initiative by making a gift today! Please click HERE.
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Read On...On July 1, 2025, CORA is going to expand by opening a second choice food pantry in Siler City, on the site of the curre [...]
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