Chatham County has a 14% child food insecurity rate, meaning many kids in our community go to bed hungry. Each student receives food on weekends and during school breaks when school is not in session from September through June. Each child receives a monthly food box from this program, delivered to their home, and contains three meals and two snacks daily for when a child is not in school. This program is available in Chatham County Schools that do not have Backpack programs.
Chatham Grove Elementary School
North Chatham Elementary School
Moncure School
Horton Middle School
Pollard Middle School
Jordan-Matthews High School
Northwoods High School
Seaforth High School
Virtual Academy
If you are interested in getting your school involved in this program, please email Mackie Hunter at
All of CORA’s programs heavily emphasize nutrient-dense and healthy foods. The food boxes include single-serve ready-to-eat items, including canned pasta, cereal cups, instant oatmeal packets, soups, fruit, and applesauce cups. In addition, each box consists of a juice box and 8oz of milk for each day, as well as shelf-stable foods like canned veggies, canned meats, pasta, rice, and canned beans.
If your child goes to either Chatham Grove Elementary School, North Chatham Elementary School, Moncure School, Horton Middle School, Pollard Middle School, Jordan-Matthews High School, Northwoods High School, Seaforth High School, or Virtual Academy, please reach out to your school’s guidance counselor for more information or you can contact Mackie Hunter at